From time to time you will need to directly modify the Main Navigation menu. To do so, you can hover over the main menu (while logged in) and look for the pencil icon that will appear over the "Search" option at the far right of the menu bar. Select the icon and then select "Edit menu" from the pop-up menu.
Alternatively, you can go to the Manage Tray and navigate to "Structure", then "Menus" and then "Main navigation".
On the resulting page, you can edit any menu item or add a new one via the + Add link button. When adding or editing a link, the Link field will let you look up any normal page in the site and link to that page - there's no need to find the page URL first. It is best to use this feature whenever it is available, though it does not work for content provided from outside servers like faculty profiles and Mercury news/events.
To reorder menu items, look for the cross-arrow icon [] next to an item, click-and-hold on it, and move the item up or down as needed. Don't forget that you have to save your changes via the Save button at the bottom of the page, or they will be lost when you move to any other page.