Accordion Set JavaScript: Section Initialization

    for (var section = 0; section < accordSections.children.length; section++) {
      var accordSection = accordSections.children[section];
      var headObj = accordSection.children[0].children[0].children[0];
      var contentObj = accordSection.children[0].children[1];

      /* Turn the existing heading text into an expand/compress link with appropriate attributes */
      var headHTMLButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'gtAccordionToggle_' + set + '_' + section;
      headHTMLButton.setAttribute('data-accord-set', set);
      headHTMLButton.setAttribute('data-accord-section', section);
      headHTMLButton.addEventListener('click', gtJSUI_selectAccordion, false);
      headHTMLButton.innerHTML = headObj.innerHTML;
      headHTMLButton.setAttribute('aria-controls', 'gtAccordionPanel_' + set + '_' + section);
      headHTMLButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', (section == 0 ? 'true' : 'false'));

      /* Create a +/- toggle status SPAN and insert it before the heading text in the button text */
      var statusHTML = document.createElement('i');
      statusHTML.className = (openFirst && (section == 0) ? 'svg-accordminus' : 'svg-accordplus');
      statusHTML.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
      headHTMLButton.insertBefore(statusHTML, headHTMLButton.childNodes[0]);

      /* Heading ID used with aria-labelledby property below */ = 'gtAccordionHeading_' + set + '_' + section;

      /* Remove the heading element's content and add the new BUTTON object, set ID and attributes */
      headObj.className = 'gtAccordionToggle';
      /* Set up the content body as the actual 'panel' */ = 'gtAccordionPanel_' + set + '_' + section;
      contentObj.setAttribute('role', 'region');
      contentObj.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'gtAccordionHeading_' + set + '_' + section); = (section == 0 ? 'block' : 'none');
